Monday, August 29, 2005

The Biggest Characteristic of Leadership.

The Biggest Characteristic of Leadership :
Have you ever wondered what is the biggest Characteristic of Leadership is?
there is easy way of recognizeing this select three to five famous leaders from different regions from teh same time frame and ask your self thee questions.
if you were to find the most common thing about these leaders, what would it be?
what is the greatest source of strength of these leaders?
think about this and check your answers at Characteristic of leadership or Leadership traits

Have fun

Sean Nei
Taking Communication Skills to the Next Level

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Welcome to communication skills blog

Hi friends,
Welcome to my online blog. The field of communication is very dynamic and so should be our website. To ensure that you get all the updates and the latest in communication skills, keep checking this blog often.

Let's have some fun
Sean Nei