Thursday, December 25, 2008

How to be happy

I was sitting in the coffee shop reflecting on this year and wondering what to
do next?

I accomplished less than I wanted to accomplish this year and I was

But as I went through my goal list, a pattern started to emerge. Just to verify,
I leafed through my diary and figured out something very important.

This may sound odd. But hang in for another minute and you will understand.

I was not happy when I accomplished my Goals.

Not so believable isn't it?

Look, I have not made my first million yet and I do not want to stop anyone who
is planning that either.

But you should be aware of what happens when you chase a material goal.

According to the pattern, when ever I chased a material goal, my satisfaction
was very short lived and in some instances it was not satisfying at all.

For example, my goal was to buy a 30'' plasma TV. I had to work hard, sacrifice
a few things and then finally I brought the thing home.

But guess what?

By the time I got it home, I was tired and even before I installed it, I was
regretting my choice. I was thinking 42'' would have been a better choice.

Know the feeling?

For months I was running around doing stuff that I did not enjoy so I can buy
this TV and when I finally brought the TV I regretted my decision within half

Does this sound familiar?

You might have come across this in your own life.

Look I am not against buying things. But buying things just to feel satisfied
with them is not a good idea.

Simply put.

Do not base your satisfaction on buying stuff.

In contrast, I had also planned to learn Salsa. It was not that expensive, but
it did mean I had to cut out on my frequent travelling.

It was hard, tiring and moreover, my friends laughed at me.

But within those moving beats I found my joy. It was like a massage of my
senses. Suddenly I was more aware of my body. I felt good about myself and my
self esteem went through the roof.

My classes are long over. But whenever I think of it, I have a smile on my face.

As an added benefit, I made a whole lot of friends and some of them turned out
to be business partners later.

So thinking back, this is what I have realized.

When you invest in yourself, you will a lot happier and smarter for a longer
time than the first 10 minutes of buying a sauna belt that you saw on TV.

So today's take away. Invest in your own growth.

In the next post I am going to share with you a simple tool that you can use to
feel a lot happier and help you shape your goals right.

Keep an eye out


PS: This is one the best programs on
Goal Setting.
Check it out!