Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Good Communication

if you ever wondered why so many people fail to convey their thoughts, you d not have to look for an answer.
Here are top 3 reasons for lack of Good Communication

1. Lack of clarity of thought

You are trying to convey but you are not sure what you want to say. This happens very often and in many circumstances. On of the main reasons this happens is because of pressure on a person to speak. You just need to understand that the world will not stop spinning if you slow down, take deep breath and leave it out slowly and then answer the question. This is a typical outgrowth of a childhood belief that a

Quick Response = Smart and Intelligent guy

Guess what, You are not in a class room anymore. so relax and respond. In fact most of the influential/powerful men use more pause in their speech than You and I do. It sounds like words carry a weight.

2. Lack of Choice.

Lack of choice can be of two types. firstly lack of choice in words which means you are hunting for words. This can be over come by developing a simple yet big vocabulary. Vocabulary does not mean you need to know all the big words in a dictionary. I means you are able to use words in the most elegant and useful manner.

Second, lack of choice may be a lack of choice in answer. In most cases when you do not like the choice you are forced to make, it but natural to mumble incoherently. You can overcome this only by practicing the habit of developing choices in all th things you do. or simply by becoming aware of all the choices that you can possibly make.

3. Eagerness to Impress.

One of the very first lessons I learned early in life is that being impressive is not as effective as being impressed. The first one i.e being impressive differentiates you from others which simply put, distances you from others.. breaks rapport. While the second state of being impressed is a cohesive force. it brings you and your audience closer... a better rapport situation.

So now you know at least 3 ways of improving your communication skills.
Go ahead and try it out and let me know the results.

Best of luck

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